I have done a lot of searching and so far, there is no easily accessible repository for custom tones. I will keep searching but if I can’t find one, I will have to start building my own library. I want to use the custom tones in custom songs that I make for Rocksmith 2o14 see this page Custom Songs for Rocksmith 2014
I just found this information about adding the tones;
- Scroll to the position you want to have the switch at: idealy not exactly on the first note with the new tone, but a little bit before. Otherwise the note might get chopped of or something and in reality you would hit your pedal right before you play the next note as well.
- Go to Track->Rocksmith->Tone Change->Add
- Give it a name. Careful: The name must be one from the Tone Name dropdown menu you find in the Toolkit under Edit Tone. The same names will be associated to another.
- Repeat for all tone changes
- Under Track->Rocksmith->Tone Change->Names you can (and maybe must) define the default tone.
- Your default tone should be added @ position 0 seconds
In the Toolkit
- Make sure the tone names are the same as used in EOF
- Under edit arrangement select the tones (base should be the default tone, I think)
- I had to check the box “disable tone slot changes…”, otherwise my CDLC wouldn’t start