Howdy El Capitan

I am in process upgrading my old Macbook Pro to El Capitan. Everything I have read says it should be faster even on my old machine. I am excited to see how it works and what benefit it provides. Of course, I will post something about it if it’s good or bad. I know there are a bunch of new features but I am not as interested in the features as the performance. I just want it to start apps quicker than it has been.

I was quite impressed with Yosemite and how much faster that was. If this is as incrementally faster as that was, we should be in great shape with life in the old dog yet. – Did I mention, I love my Mac!

OK, so not off to a great start. Downloaded the new OS then started the installer, it proceeded then the screen went blank and I got a spinning cursor on a black screen (not the beach ball). That just sat there for ages with no apparent progress. I waited (like you do) and nothing happened, a little research and seems this is not unheard of. I restarted in “safe mode” except the computer wouldn’t restart it just kept shutting down. So, I tried a restart not in safe mode, it started and brought up the installer. Now I am sitting here with the installer screen showing 23 minutes to go. We’ll see if it completes, I can tell you that 5-7 mins later there is 23 mins to go but the progress bar has moved a little bit.

Still going, it says 9 mins now (their ability to predict the time it will take is not very good).